Maths Challenge 6: Estimating Angles!

Interactive Estimating Angles Game

Usually at this time of year, we turn our attention to Geometry. You’ll know Geometry as shapes and angles.

This game is always a class favourite in Year 6. It offers you an opportunity to improve your ability to estimate angles. You can either play on your own or challenge somebody else!

Here’s the link:

Let me know what you think!

Mr Kay

Maths Challenge 5: Learn your 7 and 8 times tables with Adele

This used to be the trickiest times table for me!

I sometimes take shortcuts to help me with times tables. For example, to find 6x a number I first do 5x followed by adding one lot on. So to find 6 x 7 I would do:

5 x 7 = 35

Add one more lot of 7 to 35 = 42

= 6 x 7 = 42

BUT calculating 7 x 8 or 8 x 7 was always really tricky for me… Until I found this funny song a few years ago which made me and my class laugh and help us remember!

Here is the link:

The channel has other videos too, what you think?

Mr Kay

Maths Challenge 3: ‘I See Maths’ KS2 Live Lessons!

Gareth Metcalfe has kindly provided daily online lessons for children across the country. We use Gareth’s Maths resources in school, you will have seen them on our challenge boards!

Here are the first two lessons:

3 Consecutive Numbers, Year 3 & Year 4:

5 Consecutive Numbers, Year 5 & Year 6:

Let me know how you get on with these,

Mr Kay